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MX Knockouts - Weekly Podium Results
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There is one scheduled soon, but I think its not next week, but the week after....
Surely Retired
Location: GB
Overall there has been a slow response to KO track building requests. Valley being the newest enviro doesnt have many tracks., infact both stadium and valley have only 2 x half full pools of tracks, Canyon has 4 full. The Pools of tracks are rotated equally. November (all 5 weekends) is an exception and a complete timeout to the normal KO roster. Some of the special maps have been in planning for a very long time, well before the release of stadium and valley. So November is 60% canyon (but they are all new !). And the normal roster rotation returns in December.
Further in the future what Nadeo does will effect what we do with the KO. If they make multi enviro servers (like united) then the KO wil most likely go to this, but some people may not own all 3 enviros, maybe we will have a roster of mixed and single enviro KO's ?
Last edited by Mikey,
Beetle Racer

In my opinion there is a lack of organized feedback for mappers putting the time in to build maps for the KOs.

Although i can never take part in the KO due to timings i appreciate all the work that you guys put in to organize it.

Here are a few things I miss as a mapper that like building for KOs and doesnt take part.

  • There should be a centralized place where you list all maps in the pools in a way that makes it clear if the pool needs more maps or not.
  • You should establish a clear desirable number of maps to have in store for each environment and list that number clearly: IE: Stadium2 (7 available / 3 more needed)
  • You should differentiate between TA and Rounds maps needed (i like to build different styles for TA and Rounds)
  • I would love to know when my maps get played and when they are pulled out of the pool so I can release them to MX.
  • I would love to receive something in return for giving my maps away. A replay of the KO race or even a video capture would be really nice to see people race on my maps.

Last edited by pfm,
Quad Bike Racer
Location: PT
pfm says:

In my opinion there is a lack of organized feedback for mappers putting the time in to build maps for the KOs.

Although i can never take part in the KO due to timings i appreciate all the work that you guys put in to organize it.

Here are a few things I miss as a mapper that like building for KOs and doesnt take part.

  • There should be a centralized place where you list all maps in the pools in a way that makes it clear if the pool needs more maps or not.
  • You should establish a clear desirable number of maps to have in store for each environment and list that number clearly: IE: Stadium2 (7 available / 3 more needed)
  • You should differentiate between TA and Rounds maps needed (i like to build different styles for TA and Rounds)
  • I would love to know when my maps get played and when they are pulled out of the pool so I can release them to MX.
  • I would love to receive something in return for giving my maps away. A replay of the KO race or even a video capture would be really nice to see people race on my maps.

I totally agree.

Some feedback would be great! (y)
MX Supporter
Location: IT
I think we can address some of this by using the track groups feature.

We can make a track group for each pool, and have two links associated to the pool

Link 1: For uploading to the pool with your ownaccount (no need to use MX-KO)
Link 2: For Viewing all tracks in the pool.

I'm pretty sure that maps assocaiated to the pool could be set as non-downloadable

This would help with pool visibility, we could decide what to do then about indicating if maps are selected etc...
I would suggest rejected maps would be deleted so they dont appear in the list & so they can be re-uploaded.

Perhaps we should make a spearate forum and have a thread per pool for Mikey to use to talk about which maps are accepted/rejected. Or, PM users whenever a map is rejected to explain why?

Due to the various new types of KO that we have revealed this November, it seems like its much more complex than before to manage all these pools, so thats why I feel that track groups may help.

Lets also see what Mikey thinks about it.
Surely Retired
Location: GB
We can make some changes that may address some of the concerns. Using 'track groups' does seem like a good idea, this new feature of MX will be used, but probably only for new future pools. This should allow easier management for authors and admins. Feeback and even comments and awards can be made to the author by admins and players, and when it is deemed pools can be released it can be done via the group setting, no need for re-releasing to your account.
In united the KO use to actually have its own sub forum (now removed) with seperate threads for just about everything. It did get a bet messy, so for TM2 we did try to simply it by having just to the 2 threads, one for building, another for playing. It has been efficient, but it has also meant that its easy for some info has been hard to locate or overlooked. We'll put some thought into a better way, wether that be more threads or a sub forum or other solution. So that information like what is needed for each pool is more obvious.
As for replays. If we allowed replays for track groups, they could potentially be used for training, which goes against the idea of the KO. But i recognise that the number of authors who want this would be in the minority as most would actually see there tracks played live as they participate. So I see no harm in special requests by the few authors who would like a replay because they never play the KO.
The admins will discuss and implament some changes ........
Beetle Racer
Track groups solution seems nice.

Just to clarify, when i said i would love to see replays i didnt mean individual replays uploaded to the track, i just would love to see the race replays with all the cars, even just one of the 1st run with everyone still in competition would be enough.

But I realize this would probably be too much work to have someone save a replay on each track and send it to each author , so just having the awards or comments feedback is a good trade off.

I agree with Mikey that you dont need more forum threads that would be messy.

I'm just saying that the 1st post of the building thread should have clearer information.

KO1 Valley (10 Rounds tracks needed urgently) - AuthorTime 40 to 50 seconds
KO2 Valley (5 TimeAttack tracks needed urgently) - AuthorTime less than 25 seconds

Also i agree that track accepted/changes needed should be pm'ed to the author.

Quad Bike Racer
Location: PT
It might be possible that we give the 'rules' of the pool in the upload link (im not sure how easily customisable the text is in the red window) .... (to see the red window, view the trackgroup upload page for the Nadeo 10ys contest)
Last edited by MrA,
Surely Retired
Location: GB
November is the month MX KO is celebrating the TM 10th Anniversary
Next KO: 23rd Nov 2013

Canyon - Laps KO - Start Time: 9:30 GMT
Canyon -Precision Driving - Start time: 20:30 GMT
Beetle Racer
23rd Nov, 2013 - 09:30 GMT KO6
Canyon Results
:gold: Erik
:silver: Nitroguy
:bronze: Suiram

2rd Nov, 2013 - 20:30 GMT Special KO
Canyon Results
:gold: Marius89
:silver: Voyager
:bronze: Paul
Last edited by TheM,
Beetle Racer
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