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random chatting and a warm beer [part #3]
random chatting and a warm beer [part #3] 14 Jul, 2012
 md (2 comments, 1626 views)  
long time no see. (*now that's a great starter isn't it?)

ok so, i just found some interesting tracks that get no attention by the community because they're all screaming for sm.
advice: they're not "typical" tracks, but lay on the avant-garde side of building, i guess.

[does that even mean anything?]

anyway, stop the blabbling and start the racing.

#1 cold fragile infernal rituals by uzon.
i mean. FUCKING HELL. if you tried tuta's detour or extreme expedition of mount tuta back on TMU you know what i'm talking about.
custom music, ingame effects and ridicously well crafted scenery makes this track more similar to a tomb raider's level.
surely one of the most epic and creepy tracks here on tm2 exchange. the route is really confusing and LONG as well, so don't expect to finish it in 10 minutes or so.
i still have to pass the second chapter there, lol.

#2 instance by snake55wildbalhblah.
he was some quite good back on tmu, i don't know why his tracks got overlooked now. anyway this is a beautiful shortie. it's not too hard, so everyone shoul be able to compete for the WR.
give it a try!

#3 speed-racing elite by nitrohunter
won0t spend any words on this one. just a copy/paste of my award.
mh, let's go playing random maps on tm2
*see a nice screenie
let's try this one out!

10 mins later


this is it. hope some of you will try these tracks and possibly have fun on them.
remember, don't do drugs, kids.
2 comment(s).
 tcq writes ... 17, Jul, 2012  
That's how a blog should be written. Very nice to read and I love your writing style. Dragon <3
 XT kruemelyeti writes ... 14, Jul, 2012  
Really nice blog again. ;)

I will definetly try these tracks out as soon as I play TM again. :)
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