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Read Post 6:18 PM on 31-Mar-2017
Honestly, I like this idea. People love having quick access to things, so being able to just quickly award a course you like would certainly help motivate people to give awards. If only there were a way to give an award from within TrackMania itself;...
Read Post 6:00 PM on 31-Mar-2017
tldr. is it really a single click? if yes, can you revoke it? if no, you can award accidentally by miss clicking. Yes, we plan that you can revoke awards in a given time.
Read Post 5:49 PM on 31-Mar-2017
tldr. is it really a single click? if yes, can you revoke it? if no, you can award accidentally by miss clicking.
Read Post 4:53 PM on 31-Mar-2017
Congrats to the winners. But i would like to know why i got -15 points. I have no blocks that are driven on outside the 6 blocks, only some sceneric blocks. My gap is 2 blocks wide though, but that is within the rule which stated "one or more bloc...
Read Post 4:08 PM on 31-Mar-2017
I will post the theme for this edition at 20.00 in a thread in the Community Projects & Competitions subforum at 20.00. The themes give you restrictions so starting to build a map earlier than 20.00 won't help. Read these restrictions carefully to av...
Read Post 4:07 PM on 31-Mar-2017
Alright i see what youre saying about the comment section/comment-awards, wont try to push my opinion further, as it seems to be well-ish thought out :) Also, in case that's about what you meant with "facebook and discord reactions", we've had som...
Read Post 4:03 PM on 31-Mar-2017
I want to join as well but do everyone just join a server, get the ''go sign'' and then head to map building? Or is it all based on trust? Where can I find the server to play the maps people have created etc?
Read Post 3:39 PM on 31-Mar-2017
I think removing the ability to actually write feedback in an award would be the wrong way to go. I fear it'll reduce the amount of feedback given on any track even more. Talking to drivers and builders through the ages of (T)MX I got the feeling tha...
Read Post 3:33 PM on 31-Mar-2017
Why make an already semi-complicated system, even more complicated? I would suggest making awarding more like a 1-click thing (like facebook & discord reactions). This way you could more easily award a track, which i think would get alot more...
Read Post 2:50 PM on 31-Mar-2017
Why make an already semi-complicated system, even more complicated? I would suggest making awarding more like a 1-click thing (like facebook & discord reactions). Then maybe remove comment-awards all together and simply put more focus on the exis...
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