I'm Alive! And the track is too
After many real life distractions (long story below), I've finally finished my newest map! Dedicated to team CSb1, I'm proud to present:
CSb¹»A l i v e
Even though I didn't spend
all of the past 8 months building this, I definitely put a lot of extra time into this map! I built, tested, and rebuilt the start of the map over
a dozen times, and I rebuilt the rest of the map a few times too
My goal for this map was to make it as unique, smooth, fast-paced, and polished as I possibly could
It's been a long time since my last map and might be a long time until my next map, so I really wanted to make this map my absolute best
Overall, I'm really happy with how this turned out, and I hope you all love it
I set a pretty fast AT, but I'd love to see you guys beat it
As always, every comment, replay, and award is greatly appreciated! Good luck and have fun
Beautiful Screenshot by 400r_ (
1080 Version)
Intro synced to music
GPS with custom text
Fast AT (Maybe?)
Fully Respawnable with ghosts
Custom Music Heartbeat by Vicetone
Youtube Video
I'd like to take a moment to
thank every single one of you! Every
comment (positive
and negative), every
replay (fastest
and slowest), and every
award (longest
and shortest
) have made me what I am today. I can say without a doubt that
I am still playing TM because of you all! And honestly, that is why it is always an
honor to dedicate a map to
team CSb1. They have played a major role in keeping the TM community alive (and keeping
me alive
) and by dedicating a map to them, I feel like I'm dedicating a map to the community
So here's an award for everyone reading this, you deserve it:
Speaking of community.... Here are some amazing maps made by my
very talented friends! If you like this map, you'll love these
If you've read this far and you want to read some more, here is an update on what's going on in my life
outside of TM If you just came here to play some maps, I don't blame you
But if you are curious... here we go: Last year I was a Junior in high school and I realized something. I really love 3D modeling and animation. I had sort of thought I would be some type of engineer, but last year I realized that 3D modeling was calling to me
So, I got involved in every way that I could. I started working on short animated videos for competitions, complex 3D models (currently working on a Lamborghini SV Roadster), and I started contacting some important people
After some research I found that the University of Utah has the #1 program in America for 3D modeling/game development, and I really wanted in. So, for the last few months I've done everything I could to show off my 3D modeling skills so that I might get a scholarship (the college is over $40,000
per year, and I can't afford that). And after talking to some more important people from the University, they said that I actually have a really good chance at a scholarship that would make the college about $9,000 per year (still expensive, but manageable). Also, I have a chance at a full scholarship that would pay for 100% of my college! So even though I would love to spend more time making maps, the time I've spent on other things could allow me to go to the college of my dreams
So hopefully, in 5 years I'll be making games instead of just playing them! Wow that was really long, so if you read it, here's another award: