Welcome one and all to a rather.. unusual release this time around. Yes this track isn't one, but
two rejected KO tracks, literally stuck together end-to-end to create the single track you see here, it surprisingly works very well but whether its new life as a single map is better is for you to decide.
After finding out that these were rejected i totally understood why, but that same comment on one of them maps, was a suggestion that it would be a good idea to release that one as a 'normal track' - the problem is, I don't do normal, thus i put this and the other rejected track together, and that is the story of a tale of two!
Coppers: 10,803
AuthorTime: 0:45.12
MT Intro/Ingame/Outro/Podium -
Ohh Yes/Yes/Yes/Yes
Difficulty: 5.5/10
GhostBlockMix: Consistently
Custom BGM: Yes (link incase it doesnt automatically download)
"Stay Upbeat" by CROW'SCLAW (Album: Resonance of the Nickel Strings)
Now with that all said and done, this may feel simply like a bonus track release and well, truthfully it is, but i still put in a lot of effort into its presentation anyway - to essentially give it a second chance, Something i should do more often with other ideas i use, as well as giving second chances to many other things in life, you may never know how your opinions may sometimes change on something between a few years. Anyways, have fun out there and i'll see you next time!