2 and a half months, multiple game crashes, contesting with item embed limits, countless shadow bugs and track iterations later, at long last, a personal milestone has been achieved.
Welcome to my 50th ever solo-built map in Trackmania 2, Welcome, to the
A track that fits no real niche, aims to be completely new, yet retains an element of the past. A track that is made to be fun, but still challenging to master. A track that i hope will simply be otherworldly to those who give it a shot, and whether it does or not, doesnt bother me as im so glad to have gone as far as i have throughout my track-making career, and i hope to continue doing this for as long as i bleedin' can!
Coppers: 13,934
AuthorTime: 0:57.96
MT Intro/Ingame/Outro/Podium: -
Difficulty: 7.1/10 (changed from 5.5 to reflect the track more neutrally)
Custom BGM: Yes (link incase it doesnt automatically download)
"春色小径 ~ Rest in Peace, Saith the Lord" Arrangement by Demetori
Lagoon Terrain Items Set - For building your own fancy landscapes!
Bushmonkey - Beta-testing, helping a lot in regards to general feedback and improving track design
Eyebo - Greatly helping out with the shadow bugs.
eFFecT - Greatly helping out with the item issues.
Niebo26 - Greatly helping out with the item issues and pinpointing the problems + feedback on map
- Reduced total water planes from 123 down to 25, but the aesthetic remains 100% intact, this has been done due to the games' handling of water since MP4.1, thus this was done to make this track playable on more machines.
With all that said and done, i could not have gotten as far as i have where it not for all the help, feedback and general positivity from the community as a whole, makes me proud to continue making tracks, be they simple or intristically complex, easy or hard, abstract or straightforward. Regardless if you like this track or not, i just hope this can show an example of how far you can really take the editor without needing additional titlepacks. Hope y'all have a good day, and i shall see you all when the next start line approaches!