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most "not fun" Canyon thingies
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@bucky: where did you see I'm complaining? I'm just expressing my opinion...
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
Continuing the list..

7. Offroad handling
8. Grip on wallrides
9. Wallrides altogether
10. Connection options between blocktypes in the editor (several kinds of angled roads, not a single option to connect them)
11. Bumpy ground-level roads
Quad Bike Racer
Location: NL
Basically everything you listed is a complaint. A complaint is any expression of discontent, etc. Listing things as "not fun" falls into the negative category. Thus, complaints. The word has such a negative connotation; I don't like using it.

There's also the concept of "count your blessings". This is where you focus on and list all of the things you like about a particular something.
Sports Saloon Racer
Location: US
12. Turning circle of the CanyonCar
Beetle Racer
Location: DE
13. No cup holders
14. No pedestrians to terrorize
15. The Sun and Moon just stare right back at me (don't they have somewhere to go/do ? :s )
Space Cowboy
Location: US
if you go flipping through the air the clouds start shifting around
Quad Bike Racer
That's because the clouds aren't 3D objects; they're sprites that are always facing you. It would hurt game performance to have something else to render in 3D
Sports Saloon Racer
Location: US
Why must they spin then? Couldn't they rotate the images along with the rotation of the environment? They'd still always be facing you, but they wouldn't always have to be right-side-up. Does that make sense?
Site Leader
Location: US
That makes sense to me, but you're talking to someone who doesn't really care how/if the clouds rotate :p
Sports Saloon Racer
Location: US
16: lack of skills
Quad Bike Racer
Location: NO
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