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TM² Valley - discussion
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Not only Stadium, now Valley also has to be released right in the middle of my finals. Geez! Nadeo is putting my self-control to an acid test. :s
Moped Racer
Location: DE
Valley is just 3 days away! :d
Learner Driver
Location: ES
Added new screenshot to the first post.
Site Leader
Location: US
Lots of scenery blocks as it seems :o
Hope to see some more gameplay and 'driveable' blocks though. Specifically the dirt blocks, as so far those haven't been showcased much :(
Last edited by Joost,
Old Age Caravanner
Location: NL
getting good vibes from this. I hope people put a lot of work into the scenery for each map, because it looks like you could really make some picturesque stuff.
Moped Racer
Driving on those rooftops should work too. Maybe not quite well, but it doesn't look impossible. :d

As far as I can see, there is a church and maybe 3-4 different houses on the screenshot. So it's not more than we know from Rally already.
Moped Racer
Location: DE
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
kruemelyeti says:
Driving on those rooftops should work too. Maybe not quite well, but it doesn't look impossible.
Hence the markers around undrivable in my first post. We all know we will use blocks that aren't ment to be driven on, to drive on 8-|
Old Age Caravanner
Location: NL
Moped Racer
Location: BE
make good for modding looks !
This may make me come back to it "TM"
Location: GB
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