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BASCO 2014 Stage 8 - Screen and MT [Page 7]
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Well, I've voted for the MT stage
Learner Driver
voted for screenies (y)
Moped Racer
Location: US
voted for both...

I'm really disappointed you know..

the general MT work is in general low quality compared to the time and sweat that this map needed to get to this stage.

I though everyone would put himself for 100% behind the MT stage but it seems some missed this part.
some are pretty good but other points make their good points fade imo.

also: OZON (imo the best one even when I do not really like it (childish atmosphere: supersonic alike) has a typing mistake please let him fix this.
Moped Racer
Location: BE
Where is the typo?
gado is a
Location: DE
Where is the typo?
site development, media
Location: DE
stop stealing my post :o :p
gado is a
Location: DE
in the intro:
once it says a map builT by

as far as i know build is written with a "D" not a "T"

there are situations in wich build is written like this: buil"dt" (when speaking of a case in the past)

also if you hover with your mouse over the hammer smiley, you'll see how it is written: :build: (code: : build : without the spaces)
Moped Racer
Location: BE
No built is right since it "has been built". Also: "It is beeing built".

Never saw buildt before, google it man.
site development, media
Location: DE
Sorry, Ozon is right ;)
Past: I have built a map.
Present: I am building a map.
Future: I will build a map.
If I build a map, then the map is built by me ;)

Also, "buildt" is not a word, sorry :p
Last edited by Zack11,
Moped Racer
Location: US
lolig pls, when you grammarnazi someone, be 100% sure you're correct, because this situation here is totally embarrasing =p
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
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