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Read Post 8:04 PM on 25-Aug-2011
he user above me barely spoke english the first time I met him in TM :O
Read Post 8:02 PM on 25-Aug-2011
The user above me wants so bad my skype login. :D
Read Post 8:01 PM on 25-Aug-2011
lol nice ! I know what he feels :P Avoid quiting huge pictures please, especially if they appear just above -_-'
Read Post 8:01 PM on 25-Aug-2011
The user above me simply rocks. I think I said it already some time ago. 8-|
Read Post 7:55 PM on 25-Aug-2011
I love this one (L)
Read Post 7:50 PM on 25-Aug-2011
Movo, yeah I was kinda agressive. But, this is the 100th time I tell some one that's all a matter of tastes . That's annoying me so much. ;) But, simply know that overrated maps don't exist. That's your opinion? Well, your opinion doesn't res...
Read Post 7:48 PM on 25-Aug-2011
Nice one deja, like the skin (Y) here's my homemade skin, though you can't really see much of it :D http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1376044/Aroused%20wall.jpg 1080p
Read Post 7:46 PM on 25-Aug-2011
Geez i clicked quote again... See post above :)
Read Post 7:44 PM on 25-Aug-2011
:: MINI CONTEST - Win Planets ! :: Hi there ! Since i couldn't get my first and newest track noticed (22 downloads in a week), i'll make a little race contest ! Price pool : :gold: 500 planets :silver: 250 planets :bronze: 50 planets :...
Read Post 7:44 PM on 25-Aug-2011
I think you can edit track details, but comments/awards are not yet editable.
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