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Read Post 10:49 PM on 25-Aug-2011
You pretend to come on the comunity, and after your 5th map, get 40 awards?
Read Post 10:49 PM on 25-Aug-2011
Man i've been for more than a year in the same situation... Don't talk about me if you even don't know me. I gave you the imput, the right advice... If you don't wanna learn from it, then stfu and stay like that. Let me ask you, how many maps did...
Read Post 10:45 PM on 25-Aug-2011
You talk about what you havn't experienced dejavu. You would be very frustrated too if you tracks were totally ignored while they are almost as funny and well made as some others ending up with dozens of awards and hundreds of downloads.
Read Post 10:43 PM on 25-Aug-2011
If you don't agree, then don't complain if your maps doesn't get more than 2 downloads. And don't spam the forums wondering why.
Read Post 10:41 PM on 25-Aug-2011
there's no secret man.. Your fame depends only from you, from how you act, from how you move inside the comunity. Give awards, try other maps, leave comments and make friends. After a lot of time spend on what i wrote above, if your tracks are...
Read Post 10:38 PM on 25-Aug-2011
I like this one. Thanks. Incidentally, if anyone else wants to play themselves, I've just added the blocky M to the EPS vector file I did for X-MASTER which has the logo parts.
Read Post 10:32 PM on 25-Aug-2011
alrighty, thanks...i should have known that one of course, lol. just tested it online with a buddy that came on after i posted the topic and was satisfied, when the trails had different colours. thanks for the input anyway! next topic coming right u...
Read Post 10:31 PM on 25-Aug-2011
there's no secret man.. Your fame depends only from you, from how you act, from how you move inside the comunity. Give awards, try other maps, leave comments and make friends. After a lot of time spend on what i wrote above, if your tracks are...
Read Post 10:26 PM on 25-Aug-2011
yea it works with other things too ;-) music and stuff
Read Post 10:21 PM on 25-Aug-2011
Haha funny music ! Some parts sound like cartoon musics, it's funny. Not the kind of music i would listen everyday thought. Here's another one : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ue14n-nrx7I (listen from the begin to the end, or don't listen at all...
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