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Read Post 10:19 AM on 26-Aug-2011
I did this already twice. 8-| Somehow it's funny. I love the glowing car when it's falling over the edge. (L)
Read Post 10:17 AM on 26-Aug-2011
Read Post 10:15 AM on 26-Aug-2011
Ok, here is another screen. ;) http://img847.imageshack.us/img847/5741/tsdhfsdghsfdg.jpg
Read Post 10:12 AM on 26-Aug-2011
Hello ! I searched for a tutorial on ManiaCreative, but it seems like TM ² isn't using the same keys as TMU concerning these triangles... I can't select the points, only place them. Do u know how to do ? And also how do you select a point that you...
Read Post 9:49 AM on 26-Aug-2011
Thanks, will try this. Though i first have to find how to configure the damn router for the other players to connect :s And yeah, some of my very first tracks were probably hard to play, but i haven't stop improving this since I'm playing this gam...
Read Post 9:45 AM on 26-Aug-2011
Well Virus, there's been a couple of players named Virus on tmx but if you're the one I recall then your tracks have always been quite narrow and hard. You have probably already noticed that many authors have no antenna for the difficulty of their...
Read Post 9:42 AM on 26-Aug-2011
what do you thin i'll tell you? A track should be online suitable...no hardcore transistion sh**, no "only the tracker knows how to drive" etc. I know many Serverhoster, from the past and with tm2 some new i met and will meet on their servers. O...
Read Post 9:28 AM on 26-Aug-2011
the important thing is that your tracks will be played online" That counts more than hundrets of awards IMO Can you give us some tips about how to do that ? :p In six years i only saw two of my tracks online, and these were by far not my best o...
Read Post 9:23 AM on 26-Aug-2011
 Enai Siaion
You get your English flag if I get my Flemish flag. :P
Read Post 8:20 AM on 26-Aug-2011
What MrA said + I call that more of a defeatist statement. Either that or I'm insane because as discouraged as I may get I will still build tracks and upload them, and I won't give up. I'm not trying to be defeatist. I agree to what you said...
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