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Read Post 6:22 AM on 26-Aug-2011
skunky you"re partially right, but don't forget that mmorpg are all about recognition in the comunity... trackmania is the same. Builder or driver you are, the main goal is to reach fame... be famous as a good player, be famous as a good builder, be...
Read Post 5:06 AM on 26-Aug-2011
yep i have been there the end of the world but i used the top view..looks great flying along in that view so you not the only one with the t-shirt to be honest, all the people who have tried it in other worlds would have tried this straight away, j...
Read Post 5:00 AM on 26-Aug-2011
mmmm i am guessing you have had lock ups then ? the above bud was just something what happened to me, over the last few hrs... i am hoping its a graphics problem and it maybe ! fixed on full game release... ? why is the bench test not open on th...
Read Post 4:41 AM on 26-Aug-2011
You have to start by helping yourself 1) Your tracks appear mostly passworded. Not that useful when most people are testing tracks by loading them into the editor. Until the full version of Canyon comes out and solo play is enabled, using password...
Read Post 4:26 AM on 26-Aug-2011
i tried to listen to it, but... let's just say that any sort of music that isn't made for a game (e.g. ace combat...) has to be in english for me to even attempt to listen to it :P but it doesn't sound bad... except for the language (which i think i...
Read Post 4:11 AM on 26-Aug-2011
 Phoenyx Imperius
Well if you see no chance to get the recognition you desire then you might eventually just wanna stop polishing a track for so many days or just stop making tracks. For who do you polish it over and over? There are hundreds or thousands of track bu...
Read Post 4:02 AM on 26-Aug-2011
this one really sucs for intros,i hope there will be a update for it.i tried everything, the free cam keeps going off and on while clicking on keys to move around for angles that you want the player to see, you go from one position to another, then...
Read Post 3:38 AM on 26-Aug-2011
*turns on godmode* MY HILL!
Read Post 3:34 AM on 26-Aug-2011
Got me some cheat codes. MY HILL!
Read Post 3:24 AM on 26-Aug-2011
In this forum the admins (owners) of online servers can have one thread per online server they run. This can be useful for people finding the server and joining, but also in getting feedbacks, new maps, and all kinds of good stuff. Server threads...
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