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Read Post 2:51 AM on 26-Aug-2011
Please pay attention to the following rules. Not doing so can result in your threads being removed or your posting permissions revoked. NEW THREADS: Do not make topics that exist for the sake of posting. Your thread must have some kind of purpo...
Read Post 2:22 AM on 26-Aug-2011
If I remember well, MrA is for Mr. Anderson
Read Post 1:57 AM on 26-Aug-2011
here is the bug steingrim and i talk about http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkk1gdFClGo
Read Post 1:27 AM on 26-Aug-2011
what about if it locks up without you touching the sound bar or caps lock? 8-|
Read Post 12:42 AM on 26-Aug-2011
I wonder if the mp logo with the X added offset to the right in the same kind of way it is to the right of the M of tmX might look good. Maybe not
Read Post 12:41 AM on 26-Aug-2011
Well if you see no chance to get the recognition you desire then you might eventually just wanna stop polishing a track for so many days or just stop making tracks. For who do you polish it over and over? There are hundreds or thousands of track bu...
Read Post 12:38 AM on 26-Aug-2011
Don't really like those new ones, these are the best so far... http://img827.imageshack.us/img827/6430/mxlogo3.png http://img690.imageshack.us/img690/6451/mxlogo8.png http://img593.imageshack.us/img593/2944/mxlogo1.png
Read Post 12:20 AM on 26-Aug-2011
oh yeah i had to do it once too as soon as i got the game. :P perhaps one day we can make maniascript gamemode which is a race to the edge of the world by any possible route. that would be cool in canyon because there are so many possible routes. =...
Read Post 12:10 AM on 26-Aug-2011
Great picture, eXtracT ! =P
Read Post 12:06 AM on 26-Aug-2011
there arn't any rules, so report it for what? Edit: http://tm.mania-exchange.com/threads/view/319/ground-rules
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