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Read Post 1:31 PM on 19-Aug-2011
I actually like it this way. First I read the post, then if I care about who posted it, then I read the name. That's just my style though =P
Read Post 1:29 PM on 19-Aug-2011
Yes, there will be the same system as in TMX, maybe with some changes though. I'm sure some official information will follow about this (Y)
Read Post 1:26 PM on 19-Aug-2011
I had this same problem, I found a workaround though. Open up your replay in the replay editor, then save it as a Clip.gbx, then import that clip into your track. :) rek. thank you, i had the same problem (Y)
Read Post 1:25 PM on 19-Aug-2011
Read Post 1:24 PM on 19-Aug-2011
9 July 1997 , Romania.
Read Post 1:23 PM on 19-Aug-2011
26th January 1993 Áustria
Read Post 1:20 PM on 19-Aug-2011
maybe by email addresses?
Read Post 1:17 PM on 19-Aug-2011
Was wondering if there will be a donate option also here, at MX. The same thing as tmx, with the usual privileges, like: -Undernickname signature in forums -Downloads details -A map for 2 days in the MX supporters window.
Read Post 1:16 PM on 19-Aug-2011
works :)
Read Post 1:15 PM on 19-Aug-2011
it being on the right you're more likely to read it at the end - this means you will read the post and then find out who wrote it - meaning that you will be less judgemental and biased while reading the post.
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