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Read Post 4:30 PM on 01-Jun-2015
Hey, here's a little comp for you: Set the fastest time until Sunday 12:00 CEST (not midnight!) and you'll win 4000 planets! The track is my big 100th track special :) Have Fun :) 86588
Read Post 4:07 PM on 01-Jun-2015
so the theme means a track which isnt parallel to the ground completely?
Read Post 3:40 PM on 01-Jun-2015
Why is driving on Grass allowed? You could just build an offroad map that would be entirely flat which wouldn't be the goal of the theme at all. Just my thought about that :0
Read Post 3:19 PM on 01-Jun-2015
yes, ring cps are allowed. I mentioned in the examples, that you are allowed to use every kind of wall. So sure are wallrides allowed. They are not parallel to the ground at all. Sure you can drive on grass. The grass is already there, so it do...
Read Post 12:41 PM on 01-Jun-2015
I have one question :D Is this part of block allowed ? : http://s23.postimg.org/ap26i5yuz/block.jpg If it's not, can I trade one straight CP for that one ? :$
Read Post 9:39 AM on 01-Jun-2015
The rules doesn't say anything about that :P
Read Post 9:21 AM on 01-Jun-2015
Just some questions Are ring cps allowed? How about wallrides? Driving on grass? Does the scenery and gps have to fit the theme?
Read Post 5:54 AM on 01-Jun-2015
Can somebody explainvto me, what kinds of blocks are allowed and which not pls, i dont understand it...
Read Post 3:19 AM on 01-Jun-2015
really great runs everyone :) one thing I noticed is that almost everyone did not use the full map area...which is a big part of FC judging ;)
Read Post 11:02 PM on 31-May-2015
Oh sorry. I took them down because they were not entirely correct. I forgot to paint the walls green. Now I updated better examples ;)
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