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TM² Stadium - discussion
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irondragons says:
the canyon car is great

the physics can be pretty infuriating while trackbuilding, but other than that, I'd say it handles better than any other TM car.

I agree in most cases. Canyon is of course great for regular racing (tech, fs, etc).

But not when it comes to trial/rpg/platform. The Canyon car is actually quite weak and unpredictable in those cases. It can be fun sometimes, but for me... it's nowhere near as fun as Stadium for those type of tracks. I'm sure that's why we haven't seen many RPGs in Canyon, even though the blocks are actually well suited for it. The car just isn't. The Canyon car never does what you want it too and if you're precariously hanging off the edge of a block, it would rather fall off into the pit of oblivion than give you a little power to continue on. It's incredibly frustrating.

The Stadium car, on the other hand, is the best car for trial/rpg/platform. It has the most "tricks", like turtling, wallflips, etc. It is by far the best responsiveness for that type of driving. I look forward to seeing the RPG community make some epic stuff in the years to come. I think it's one of the most exciting and fun styles to drive in Stadium.

If we ever get EnvMix and the chance to drive the Stadium car in Canyon, it would be amazing.

I love the Canyon car for racing, but it's just not the best at everything.
Site Leader
Location: US
Two official screenshots - 001 - 002

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Old Age Caravanner
eyebo says:

If we ever get EnvMix and the chance to drive the Stadium car in Canyon, it would be amazing.

Indeed, I would definetely buy Tm2 as soon envmix would be possible.
G-kart Racer
Location: DE
Actually the car is the whole reason Canyon is underwhelming. It doesn't transition smoothly between turning and drifting. Starting a drift causes it to go wide across a whole block, ending a drift causes it to snap back into grip mode and suddenly you're heading off the road. Drifting narrow roads is fun, but starting and ending the drift is very difficult on those blocks and you can't directly attach narrow corners to wide corners.

Of course Canyon also doesn't have enough freestyle blocks but the car is making half of the blocks we do get useless.
Last edited by Enai Siaion,
Moped Racer
Location: BE
You have a point about it drifting across an entire block. lol

The feature where it snaps back at the end of a drift can of course be harnessed by a skilled driver and used to their advantage. If you don't steer at the very end of a drift, then the car won't snap back so violently. In many ways, I feel like the Canyon car kind of drives itself... you just have to nudge it along a bit.

I played Stadium for a few hours yesterday, and although I had a lot of fun, it also felt like much more of a workout for my fingers than Canyon is. Maybe that's why people don't get as bored with Stadium.

But for me, Canyon is much more relaxing to drive. It probably always will be.

I am really looking forward to getting back into RPGs in Stadium again though, as I mentioned earlier.
Site Leader
Location: US
Good point.

When I drive stadium, I'm pressing hard on control stick left and right because I'm willing the car to turn a little tighter in futility. It's much more taxing, and I feel like it gets my blood pumping more than Canyon. When I drive canyon, eyebo describes it succinctly: start a slide and make gentle corrections as the car turns itself. The end result is a drive that does not require as much physical effort and can be described as less enthralling. Something with that extra kick of excitement would be an asset to ManiaPlanet.
Sports Saloon Racer
Location: US
And just to augment what you guys were saying about Stadium and Canyon (which I completely agree with) is just one of my pet peeves about Canyon. Every time you go off a jump or a drop in Canyon, the car starts tilting to the side unless you have like 2-3 blocks of straight before it. It makes making good transitions a huge pain and it really cramps my style, not to mention it makes driving some tracks super hard. I think this is the one thing I would change in Canyon and I look forward to in stadium. Because the car never tilted in island or stadium or rally or snow or...you get the point.
Beetle Racer
Location: US
I think that Canyon car has really good physics. They aren't easiest to learn, but result on tech tracks is awesome. It might not be the best for transitions, but as I don't like transitions in general I don't have a problems with that. On league maps it's perfect.
Beetle Racer
Location: FI
Remember when canyon first came out and everyone was complaining about it being too similar to stadium, yet now it's how much better stadium is.
Moped Racer
Location: US

Name you're price Nadeo, I will happily pay whatever you're asking for it.

BEST news I've heard in ages.

Cannot wait!
Learner Driver
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