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Read Post 4:46 AM on 02-May-2017
Just to add my own input here, I was the one who explicitly said to the judges that if me not finishing tracks was a problem, then please throw out all my scores. If you can't finish a map, don't judge.Oh, I could have finished all of them. Bu...
Read Post 4:29 AM on 02-May-2017
if your goal is to set the fastest time, respawning cps is not important at all & useless. For some people (like me) respawns allow learning the track with less frustration. With many tracks, that's the difference between setting a fast time and n...
Read Post 1:08 AM on 02-May-2017
It's an interesting discussion, one that I haven't seen for quite a while. Personally, I feel like if you can respawn from a CP, you should be able to finish the track from that CP. It's how I learned to build maps from other experienced and creat...
Read Post 12:42 AM on 02-May-2017
I saw many people criticizing the lack of respawn. Can we maybe talk about this fact? How important are respawns nowadays, when the goal is to set the fastest time? The first half of this is actually a good point. The rules don't say anything about...
Read Post 10:42 PM on 01-May-2017
Oh dear. Here's my opinion on this, from top to bottom: After I got 4 runs ruined by that, I finally gave up. Didn't finish this track Well, this is an awkward situation. Yes, the rules do indeed say that you have to drive the map entirely...
Read Post 10:23 PM on 01-May-2017
After I got 4 runs ruined by that, I finally gave up. sorry, but this is outcome is so disappoining & I can't comprehend what the judges thought when voting. If you can't finish a map, don't judge. Especially Stereogang just didn't give any points &...
Read Post 10:16 PM on 01-May-2017
The MTC voting period is over, and that means that the results of the Droppin' Time competition have been computed! While we only had two valid participants, they had very close times across most of the tracks. mtc | slither was the deciding course h...
Read Post 7:44 PM on 01-May-2017
 mr.gmmbearz :D
absolutely rekted komment by fredair, i agree actually... those judges simply shouldn't count and i am dissapointed that they were included, fucked up thing is that it's not possible to solve, because if it would count on other maps, they are still j...
Read Post 6:57 PM on 01-May-2017
After I got 4 runs ruined by that, I finally gave up. Didn't finish this track Note that you have to judge a stage entirely, you cannot judge only half of it. sorry, but this is outcome is so disappoining & I can't comprehend what the judges...
Read Post 6:42 PM on 01-May-2017
Don't listen to Snake, he deserved every 10 he got. But seriously, thanks for the podium! I'm glad my somewhat bumpy map was enjoyable. Ignoring my own map's placement, these results turned out about how I thought they would. It was good to see al...
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