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Read Post 7:12 PM on 06-May-2017
Read Post 1:44 PM on 06-May-2017
Now that their is a bit less drama, I come with the results of this month in video, just like previous month. :$ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEc32ZS7N14 And also because I forgot with all of that : Congrats Snake !
Read Post 12:25 AM on 05-May-2017
(Y) I'm glad you were able to get in!
Read Post 10:17 PM on 04-May-2017
OMFG xDD It's been a while I was looking for a f.... button xD THANK YOU :o :o :o
Read Post 9:51 PM on 04-May-2017
upvoted mandark! :done:
Read Post 8:10 PM on 04-May-2017
Is there a minimum (or maximum) on the number of CP's? There is no kind of block limitation other than to use only one finish.
Read Post 8:03 PM on 04-May-2017
We'd prefer if you'd use your old 5ant9 account. It's possible you're using the wrong login for that account. 5ant9 is only the display name for that account. Your login for that account is: Hpy5ant9
Read Post 7:36 PM on 04-May-2017
Is there a minimum (or maximum) on the number of CP's?
Read Post 6:56 PM on 04-May-2017
Here is the second account, but impossible to connect to this one. :$ :$ :$ https://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/611124Capturedecran20170504a195500.png
Read Post 6:45 PM on 04-May-2017
https://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/560195Capturedecran20170504a193548.png https://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/656026Capturedecran20170504a193602.png https://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/732415Capturedecran20170504a193617.png https://img15.hosti...
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