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Read Post 6:09 AM on 07-Jul-2015
The previous judging system had this rule often used in other official competitions, where the highest and lowest scores on each track were not included in the final ranking. Thus, the 'most extreme' votes (positive or negative) would not influence...
Read Post 2:00 AM on 07-Jul-2015
denny, flame, and rockys7 should be banned from voting in the future...it's clear they sabotaged the results. they gave a 1, 2 , 2 on voy's map with no explanation and a 10, 9, and 9 to Denny's map which was disqualified...almost all of their scores...
Read Post 11:22 PM on 06-Jul-2015
unusually high votes can be as bad as unusually low votes, so I don't necessarily agree with your suggestion.
Read Post 10:48 PM on 06-Jul-2015
heanry: why not add the additional rule as they all asked, but give it a twist. why not add the rule: " you cannot give any vote under 5 unless: you can give a valid argument why you gave the track a 'bad' vote, or Explain why you gave that score....
Read Post 10:22 PM on 06-Jul-2015
how about a rule that the judge has to have a track with 15+ awards or smth?
Read Post 8:23 PM on 06-Jul-2015
I upvote the idea. just simply make an MTC server on the 3(4) main nadeo titles valley, stadium, canyon and envimix title. these are the official titles. and do not simply use only this months MTC maps but make a map pool of rotating mtc the...
Read Post 6:03 PM on 06-Jul-2015
Space, this classical way of judging maps failed many times in the past due to a lack of judges. It was very difficult or impossible to find 5 judges, who will judge all maps. That's why I introduced the simple system of voting. I know that it is no...
Read Post 4:51 PM on 06-Jul-2015
4k planets isn't much..
Read Post 4:08 PM on 06-Jul-2015
Not same at all.
Read Post 4:07 PM on 06-Jul-2015
Dont know if its possible to make a rule for this but I feel like it shouldnt be allowed to give every track bad scores except of one. Anyways, nice mtc!
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