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Read Post 6:43 PM on 17-Jun-2015
I have no knowledge about what will be done, but it also seems a bit early to say. There's still some questions. Will tracks work between Turbo and TM2? If yes, then it might make sense to have them here. If not, then maybe a new sub-site would...
Read Post 6:01 PM on 17-Jun-2015
It already got asked here but it seems like nobody answered, and I think site discussions is the right place to talk about it. Will it be splited into another page or will they just be on here as news envis?
Read Post 3:24 PM on 17-Jun-2015
Canyon is sort of sticky in wallrides and loops. However, Lagoon looks to be way more controllable in those situations.
Read Post 2:44 PM on 17-Jun-2015
I didn't find my post but I'm quite sure I suggested magnetic style sticky roads / gravity change stuff as yolo idea on MP forums years ago. Interesting for sure for an arcade game :)
Read Post 2:35 PM on 17-Jun-2015
TGYoshi's MapEdit tool has a convert replay to map option. Screenshots in the first post are slightly outdated, newest version has a button Extra next to File where the option is located. But i haven't tried it myself so i can't tell you how and i...
Read Post 12:27 PM on 17-Jun-2015
TGYoshi's MapEdit tool has a convert replay to map option. Screenshots in the first post are slightly outdated, newest version has a button Extra next to File where the option is located. But i haven't tried it myself so i can't tell you how and i...
Read Post 11:21 AM on 17-Jun-2015
You can see more starting around 46:10 in this video: http://www.twitch.tv/ubisoft/v/6257918
Read Post 9:48 AM on 17-Jun-2015
I am going with lolig here, this looks rather uncreative... The only interesting parts were lagoon (graphically new environment, looks abit like island, always nice) and the magnetic roads. I'm not sure i like the magnetic roads that much from a game...
Read Post 12:53 AM on 17-Jun-2015
rip the community in 2? The TM community is already split as it is. True^^ It will split the community even more ;)
Read Post 12:32 AM on 17-Jun-2015
http://www.tm-forum.com/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=21420 Further down in that thread is a link to one for tm 1... as i said i wasn't sure if it was for 1 or 2... so sry seems like i can't help :(
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