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Canyon is dead.
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It's as dead as you want it to be.

I don't think that can ever fully judge the success of Canyon, especially in reference to the other MP environments, when we don't even have them all ...
Sports Saloon Racer
Location: US
Site Leader
Location: US
Perhaps I did miss the best time, but I know today is far from it.

Canyon is depopulated, Valley doesn't even look like a Trackmania environment and Shootmania is pointless, but at least Nadeo listened to the community and added an environment that has the elements people loved about Stadium, updated for 2013 a price tag to Stadium.

There was a time when you could join a server and make friends, as opposed to joining the server and seeing nothing but silence while driving loltracks. I miss Tom Turbo's Funserver, I miss Rat's Nascar server.

I hope things will turn around in the future. Maybe Questmania or TM2 United... I can see Questmania being very big actually if Nadeo doesn't blow it.
Last edited by Enai Siaion,
Moped Racer
Location: BE
track uploads had an impressive boost in the past few months actually. and with the imminent final release of storm/stadium/valley i'm quite sure the trend will keep that way for some time.

also having a huge migration of players from tmnf to tm2stadium will definitely bring a new/updated version of the unlimiter. rpgs and trial are modes far too important to leave the community without a blockmixing software; if arc got bored to update it, i'm sure someone else will take his place.

it's just a matter of time i guess ;)
Quad Bike Racer
Location: IT
I don't think the success of the game will hinge on the availability of block mixing. It will, as it always has, hinge on the community and their attitude towards Nadeo and their offerings.

To extend what I said previously, Canyon is a part of a whole. You could join a United server and play tracks from any TMU environment. I envision Canyon being a part of the similar whole.

It also depends on who you play with. I've been playing TM with almost the same group of people for years. We have a lot of fun playing together. I've had great experiences playing maps that I would normally pass over strictly because of their environment (TMU).

I don't think Canyon is dead.

As the whole of ManiaPlanet grows, the share that each game is played must diminish, but I don't think that the trend will continue until the Canyon slice of the pie is gone completely.

Sports Saloon Racer
Location: US
Enai Siaion says:
Perhaps I did miss the best time, but I know today is far from it.

Canyon is depopulated, Valley doesn't even look like a Trackmania environment and Shootmania is pointless, but at least Nadeo listened to the community and added an environment that has the elements people loved about Stadium, updated for 2013 a price tag to Stadium.

There was a time when you could join a server and make friends, as opposed to joining the server and seeing nothing but silence while driving loltracks. I miss Tom Turbo's Funserver, I miss Rat's Nascar server.

I hope things will turn around in the future. Maybe Questmania or TM2 United... I can see Questmania being very big actually if Nadeo doesn't blow it.

Please, just leave then. Canyon might have less players than before but everything else you have written is just senseless criticism cause you dont like to be proven wrong. Maniaplanet is growing rapidly at the moment, I guess having it on steam and releasing stadium has been very good.

The problem people are silent when you join might be your attitude? Try talk to people and people will respond, at least if you dont act like you have constant pms and complain on everything. TM has a really friendly community and from my experience it's not hard to start a small conversation, but racing is still in focus.. On some of my favourite servers I barely talk cause I dont have time, hunting new times over and over instead.

loltracks are almost "dead" compared to the amount of lol servers we had 2008-2010 by the way..
· · · – – – · · ·
Location: SE
At least 2 out of the 6 people in the elite match I was in yesterday said they had just seen the demo on steam and decided to try it.
Moped Racer
Location: US
I also feel it's worth noting that I've seen more North American players than I can ever remember seeing. Over here, our peak hours are generally sleeping hours for Europeans. It makes me happy to log in and see a a bunch of servers buzzing with activity.
Sports Saloon Racer
Location: US
pff, you couldn't be more wrong with all these assumptions..

main reason: people follow ingame friends.

When tmn eswc launched (free2play version), loads of people came from the nfs (when it was still good) and CS/UT gamescenes.
All merged into 1 solid community due to the fact there was always a buddy online.

Then TM(N)F came, splitting up the community a bit.
Then Nadeo decided it was time for splitting the community even further and introduced freezone.
Then Nadeo released tm2 canyon. Loads of people bought it, some stayed, most quit all together, some went back to tmnf.
Then Nadeo released shootmania beta, triggering those who came from the shooter genre to play that one instead, so another mini community emerged.

Now with the tm2 stadium beta, loads of people from all previous generations have come together again plus there's loads of new players. As the game's now available through steam and is in the list of best sellers there, the community is growing by the minute.
Due to stadium's popularity it's a big possibility people will also purchase canyon through steam as they like stadium. But that will only happen if the beta is finished and their friends stay playing stadium, shootmania or move back to canyon.

loves Foolspeed
Location: NL
I don't really need a lot of servers and millions of players. Maybe TM2 comunity is smaller than older TM at the moment... (Think we are talking about a BETA) But there's always fresh stuff around here...
Just look at this: TMX Upload Track Statistics

Maybe small comunity right now, but not dead.

Quad Bike Racer
Location: ES
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