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Read Post 1:18 PM on 01-Oct-2015
http://www.tm-exchange.com/files/public/MTC/banners/mx_mtc_header1.jpg Welcome to the Monthly Track Contest (MTC), October 2015. In the MTC your task is to build a track on a given theme (see below). Later on, all of the entered tracks will be...
Read Post 1:15 PM on 01-Oct-2015
http://www.tm-exchange.com/files/public/MTC/banners/mx_mtc_header1.jpg Please post links to your tracks for MTC October 2015 in this thread. On your track page, you see a five-digit ID number of your track, and next to it is a JavaScript button...
Read Post 8:56 PM on 30-Sep-2015
Voted! :done:
Read Post 6:28 PM on 30-Sep-2015
Voted :done:
Read Post 3:55 PM on 30-Sep-2015
Sorry for this extra work. :P ;)
Read Post 2:38 PM on 30-Sep-2015
Nice tutorial :) Edit: It actually works in the intro MT as well :P
Read Post 2:11 PM on 30-Sep-2015
This is a tutorial that will teach you how to instantly "change the scenery" in mediatracker. The camera will move normally around the car, but the scenery will change half way through the camera track :D To see an example of this, check out this tr...
Read Post 12:04 PM on 30-Sep-2015
Oh definitely. Good tutorial! But I would like it more if the tutorial was in the first post of a topic. So please make a new topic for the tutorial, Zack11. I will then go forward and stick it :D
Read Post 5:25 AM on 30-Sep-2015
WHOOOOOUW, (Y) but ... HEY, I've asked for a LITTLE advice and not for a whole How2^^ The magic is gone ... instantly. :@ :@ Lol, noo *jk* very,very nice work, dude^^ (L) and so useful with all this pictures ! Thank you SO much. I'l...
Read Post 10:50 PM on 29-Sep-2015
New preview with 1250 replays with lowest settings ( (BRB) ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XaLuYYmg9hU& (L) :award: So beautiful...
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