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Read Post 6:22 AM on 27-Sep-2015
Another way to freeze a frame is to use the "time" track. Add it where you want to freeze the car at, set the first time to wherever that is, and set the second time to the same as the first (or slightly after if you want slow motion). So if you want...
Read Post 1:49 AM on 27-Sep-2015
Voted Was generally a bit harsh because I think most builders went full on pixel perfect transition fest and forgot to make a fun track to drive. Still a few goodies in there though =) thanks!
Read Post 6:56 PM on 26-Sep-2015
Hiho, Maybe you could explain it a little bit more what excactly you want. I'm not the pro with the editor but I use a simple way .. learning by doing. :D 82911 Have a look at my intro. Close behind the car does a barrelroll and the "pr...
Read Post 11:40 AM on 26-Sep-2015
Voted (Y)
Read Post 10:03 PM on 25-Sep-2015
ty for the update, now I'm really curious and can't wait to see the results :D
Read Post 10:01 PM on 25-Sep-2015
oh ty i thought I was making some mistakes, it's a pity cuz evimixing is really fun :(
Read Post 8:53 PM on 25-Sep-2015
It pleases me very much if a community is working so nice^^ (Y) (L) Greetz Slow
Read Post 8:39 PM on 25-Sep-2015
Hiho, I've just talked to TGYoshi. I got this "problem" with my downloadlist from my maps. These useless information about unregistered users and unknown servers. I mean - who cares about unregistered ppl or servers ? It's not that BIG prob...
Read Post 6:03 PM on 25-Sep-2015
That's not possible actually. For obscure reasons, Nadeo didn't want to mix the Stadium environment with other titles gameplay :(
Read Post 4:47 PM on 25-Sep-2015
Hi everyone, I decided to show some of my tracks here, which are not veryshort maps (because they are too much already :P ). Here my first track: The first one is my only duo/trio map I ever made. The mappers are ntx_turb, noopz and me :)....
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