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Read Post 11:19 PM on 01-Oct-2015
The first one is enough. In the end you should have three jumps crossing the forbidden area ;)
Read Post 11:08 PM on 01-Oct-2015
I just started playing around with this theme and I'm super excited. I have a question regarding how many crossings are necessary. You said 3, but does that mean A-B-A-B is complete (3 crossings total), or must it be A-B-A-B-A-B-A (3 there and 3 ba...
Read Post 10:16 PM on 01-Oct-2015
However can we tunnel underground from one quarter to the other? No rule seems to forbid it. You are not allowed to build in the red area in the underground, so you cannot build a tunnel there ;)
Read Post 10:15 PM on 01-Oct-2015
Then it gets even more difficult... Not really fun for FS mappers (like me) this month... Even crossovers were easier for FullSpeed... Mhh no FS map then :( I think you can make fs too, just make the car jump in the red area :P
Read Post 10:06 PM on 01-Oct-2015
Sh*t i'm going to have to actually think about this one ;)
Read Post 10:04 PM on 01-Oct-2015
Then it gets even more difficult... Not really fun for FS mappers (like me) this month... Even crossovers were easier for FullSpeed... Mhh no FS map then :(
Read Post 10:01 PM on 01-Oct-2015
Can the car drive threw (touch) the forbidden area? i guess not The car is not allowed to touch the ground outside of the yellow building area. However can we tunnel underground from one quarter to the other? No rule seems to forbid it.
Read Post 9:58 PM on 01-Oct-2015
Can the car drive threw (touch) the forbidden area?
Read Post 9:54 PM on 01-Oct-2015
The rules clearly say you can't build anything in the red area so i think even scenery must be in the yellow too. Exactly. Everything must be build within the yellow area. ;) Indeed, Seven, you got it right (Y)
Read Post 8:03 PM on 01-Oct-2015
 spX Seven
so you're only allowed to build in the two squares but jumps are allowed where the car flies through the "forbidden" area?
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