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Read Post 10:19 PM on 19-Jan-2016
This is going to be a pain to build, Voy! The only-use-"x"-different-blocks theme sounds very cool actually. I only need to find a good number for the x. Thanks for the suggestion (Y)
Read Post 9:44 PM on 19-Jan-2016
It's about time then. ;)
Read Post 8:46 PM on 19-Jan-2016
Make a map where you can only drive on objects ;)
Read Post 7:52 PM on 19-Jan-2016
Perhaps Lerya is exactly what you are looking for: Race graphic viewer for TrackMania²
Read Post 7:47 PM on 19-Jan-2016
I tryed something different, I liked the idea behind qbot screen with 4 similar angles on valley car to show different part of the track. so I chose an angle on the car and took screenshots in different part of your track and combined them together....
Read Post 6:46 PM on 19-Jan-2016
hey, I recorded 200 replays with delayed start, they are from 0.3sec to 3 sec after the countdown let me know if something is wrong ;) Download-> here
Read Post 2:26 PM on 19-Jan-2016
I remember people complained that some builders hadn't submitted their part yet because they expected the track to be done by christmas 2013. :P
Read Post 7:32 AM on 19-Jan-2016
Reasons are shown here (L) Go Yoshi go (Y)
Read Post 7:28 AM on 19-Jan-2016
Thank you for the information :) But back to topic, maybe we get the final track for the TM2 lagoon release 8-|
Read Post 1:50 AM on 19-Jan-2016
Look what I ran across while looking through some of my old videos! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZXQjgEZ_hQ All 43 starting drivers shown in this video on the first race of the first official KnockOut in TM2 Canyon. The drivers: eyebo, Mik...
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