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Read Post 8:11 PM on 15-Jan-2016
I just noticed the TMNF maps are being uploaded to MX. Why is that? I honestly don't see the need to upload them here as they are already being hunted to the maximum on the TMNF-X page. Random people have already uploaded converted versions of these...
Read Post 6:58 PM on 15-Jan-2016
What would you use all that for in the first place? I can sort of understand checkpoint times, but the rest? :P
Read Post 6:45 PM on 15-Jan-2016
I'll do more replay like that. No problem ;) BTW, do my skin load ? Because you were saying that some skin were not loading !
Read Post 5:47 PM on 15-Jan-2016
Preview 4 in 4k! https://youtu.be/rEjWFg8yaxs
Read Post 5:40 PM on 15-Jan-2016
Time to write a tool for that! 8-|
Read Post 5:14 PM on 15-Jan-2016
1. Open the titlepack where you're going to be playing. 2. Go to "Profile". 3. Go to "Advanced". 4. Enable "Save automatically all replays" Optionally you can also enable "Save each round separately". These settings are on a per-title basis....
Read Post 5:00 PM on 15-Jan-2016
Just make builder & driver sections like tech offroad fullspeed rpg lol without environments specified or then with only envis stadium valley canyon or something :P
Read Post 1:40 PM on 15-Jan-2016
It's all possible.
Read Post 1:08 PM on 15-Jan-2016
Is it possible to read / find out information such as Speed Checkpoint times Distance driven by a replay? I'm asking because this information is pretty difficult to achieve manually - especially distance and speed.
Read Post 12:33 PM on 15-Jan-2016
As bwbigmac explained correctly, the first turn is not a 180° turn if you look at the line of driving. In this contest the line of driving (the fastest line to be more specific) is important, not the shape of the road blocks. Your second turn is...
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