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Read Post 3:29 AM on 09-Jan-2016
Hey, guys! Just passing by. For now … ;) (BRB) I've been busy doing college related stuff (yes, in January :( ), but I'm about to take a full break in about a week :D so I'll be able to get back in ManiaPlanet. Now that i see this topic, I tho...
Read Post 7:21 PM on 08-Jan-2016
Do you have to drive straight to get into the wallride? If yes, then that part is not one full turn. ;)
Read Post 7:01 PM on 08-Jan-2016
http://i.imgur.com/GqerkwC.png Red - raceline, yellow - question. I am not sure about wallride, is it allowed?
Read Post 5:52 PM on 08-Jan-2016
Nope, just Florenzius... ^^ Let's write on MP
Read Post 3:42 PM on 08-Jan-2016
Caketaker, i know you from some servers ;) Team? I can't say i remember you. Were you under a different name?
Read Post 1:43 PM on 08-Jan-2016
Caketaker, i know you from some servers ;) Team?
Read Post 5:42 PM on 07-Jan-2016
That looks okay. With kb you need to tap in most turns in canyon and valley, so that's totally fine to do it in stadium, too. I use a gamepade, so I can steer only slightly :cool: If other players fail to drive your route, it's okay. If you can m...
Read Post 4:42 PM on 07-Jan-2016
If you have to steer to the right all the time in the blue area, it is okay. In the air you cannot force the car to go a turn. That's fine. To make it easier for you to understand what I mean, here's a quick video of how I would drive this track: htt...
Read Post 4:27 PM on 07-Jan-2016
If you have to steer to the right all the time in the blue area, it is okay. In the air you cannot force the car to go a turn. That's fine. You shouldn't care about how good you drive, as long as you drive as good as you can. I cannot force you to...
Read Post 3:52 PM on 07-Jan-2016
What about parts where you are in the air but keep steering? To be more precise if I had the following track (the route is the exact route I take taken from the game): http://s7.postimg.org/pgr5ijbaj/MTC_Jan.png The red marked parts are >180°-U-Tur...
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