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Read Post 6:19 PM on 10-Jan-2016
Any confirmation from the mods yet? Having a competition like this would for sure not hurt (Y)
Read Post 3:39 PM on 10-Jan-2016
looks good :done:
Read Post 3:15 PM on 10-Jan-2016
Are you using MT sound blocks to play the music? These blocks seems to be less random in start times than music chosen in the custom music dialog. It can also be helpful if you let the clip start a second or so after the intro begins. That's only...
Read Post 11:45 AM on 10-Jan-2016
Hiho mapping freaks, I hope you can help me out to solve a little problem I got. I like it to built music synchronized intros where the cut is made on the given beats. Well, in my latest, meanwhile published map I have figured out, If I start...
Read Post 3:02 AM on 10-Jan-2016
 AR »rexine
This look okay? Even though drops in a turn were deemed okay I want to be sure :) http://i.imgur.com/RQfmRoe.gif?1
Read Post 1:52 AM on 10-Jan-2016
Imo rookie of the year would be the same as "most un-noticed builder" in a way, as he better you are, the more youll get noticed/awarded anyways ;)
Read Post 12:39 AM on 10-Jan-2016
My new video featuring 98622, the newest Valley enduro track made by 349 & 1342. Hope you enjoy :cool: Click
Read Post 11:01 PM on 09-Jan-2016
9 January 2016 - 10:30 CET KO2 Timeattack :gold: Marius89 :silver: Firestorrm :bronze: MakeLove 9 January 2016 - 21:30 CET KO3 Rounds :gold: Voyager :silver: Marius89 :bronze: MakeLove
Read Post 12:47 PM on 09-Jan-2016
That looks totally crazy, but fits the theme :cool:
Read Post 12:30 PM on 09-Jan-2016
Please don't forget to include a highlight of my amazing lucky "pirouettes" replay! good luck! https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2191435/trackmania/PIROUETTES.Replay.Gbx
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