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Read Post 8:36 PM on 05-Oct-2015
Track Download (Skillz - B01) Idea of How to Do It Let me know if you think this is possible!
Read Post 7:01 PM on 05-Oct-2015
Ok, thanks for the clarification! 3 switches in total sounded too easy for a multilap map :)
Read Post 6:08 PM on 05-Oct-2015
one very last question: I know that i finished my map but can i build 64*64? -> 2 32*32 quaters?
Read Post 5:13 PM on 05-Oct-2015
93755 HF Hunting :)
Read Post 2:27 PM on 05-Oct-2015
Yes, it is per lap. Let me actually define the timelimit for a bit better for multilap, too: All rules that apply to a normal track, apply to one lap of a multilap map.
Read Post 2:04 PM on 05-Oct-2015
Page 75 gogogo :P Maybe I'll have a good enough computer when it finally comes out that I can play it xD
Read Post 1:22 PM on 05-Oct-2015
I made another pack of of 50 replays https://www.dropbox.com/s/q0yzsxccv0oorpk/3kProject2.rar?dl=0
Read Post 12:47 PM on 05-Oct-2015
great tutorial indeed! i remember when all these tricks where on maniacreative.. too bad it closed but I'm glad there are people like you here who brings tutorials here too ;) (ps I like that for scenery change too)
Read Post 12:44 PM on 05-Oct-2015
It's only after I finished my map that I realized something not explicitly described in the rules. The rules say that the car must switch sides at least three times, but for a multilap map, is it three times in total or three times per lap? (I went f...
Read Post 7:11 PM on 04-Oct-2015
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