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Read Post 6:59 PM on 05-Aug-2015
Sums up this project: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znEH0X8wr3Q ;)
Read Post 6:39 PM on 05-Aug-2015
That's good to know! i had to use default signs on my track cuz white esl signs are too shiny :cool: Here is the dark version: http://gfx.esl.eu/gfx/media/eu/tm2/TM2Ads/ESLDark_TM2SignsAdverts.zip
Read Post 4:02 PM on 05-Aug-2015
That's good to know! i had to use default signs on my track cuz white esl signs are too shiny :cool:
Read Post 2:32 PM on 05-Aug-2015
Contrary to what I said earlier, dark signs are being worked on and should be ready late today or tomorrow.
Read Post 5:18 AM on 05-Aug-2015
Read Post 11:05 PM on 04-Aug-2015
its just a lazy ass way to judge.. It's also more time efficient, because searching judges was always a problem. With this way to judge we also aim to get a result closer to what is the reality in the communities mind. (Y)
Read Post 10:52 PM on 04-Aug-2015
Read Post 4:31 PM on 04-Aug-2015
@Clearvision: my map wasn't build for online servers :p On servers are mostly shorter maps than with what I've gone. so imo the server has nothing to do with the scores. its just a lazy ass way to judge.. and prob, your map came after a few har...
Read Post 4:19 PM on 04-Aug-2015
I don't know if it is the same in Germany, but in america it is very difficult to find a company that will give you a basic phone. They said that since they've switched their whole system for smartphones, it costs them more to give you a basic one! M...
Read Post 4:04 PM on 04-Aug-2015
15second maps? ready for some sick entries :o I can't wait to see some experimental stuff etc. I'm going experimental all the way :D those 15 seconds are going to be the craziest 15 seconds ever xD at least that's the idea anyway ;)
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